Weekly & Monthly Events

Weekly Sunday Gathering | 11am
Each week we gather to worship and to hear the Word. We’d love to welcome you and help you encounter Jesus and connect with others.

City Groups | In homes and locations across Central Scotland every week
City Groups are where we gather on our local communities to grow as followers of Jesus together as we study scripture, pray, share food, and boldly carry out the mission of Jesus as we reach out to our families, friends and communities with the love and power of Jesus.
If you are interested in joining a group, please visit the Get Connected page and send us a message. We’ll be in touch with you to connect you to a group.
Kingdom Come Prayer
1st Monday of each month – 7:00pm
Join us to pray for the revival of our nation.
Business Leaders Prayer Network
3rd Wednesday of each month – 9:30am
Any one with an interest in business is welcome in this supportive and encouraging community.
Recovery Church at Parkhead Nazarene
1st Friday of each month – 7pm
We partner with other local churches and recovery support organisations to facilitate this monthly service with vibrant worship, powerful testimonies and ministry.
Baptism Preparation Class | Thursday 30th January | 7pm
We will be having baptisms during our Sunday gathering on the 2nd of February.
Baptism is a public declaration of our new identity as a follower of Jesus and an important step of obedience that he asks us to take. Sign up for this class if you have decided to be baptised or if you are considering taking this exciting step.
Alpha Course | Launching on Tuesday 4th February
Alpha is an 8-week course that creates space for a conversation about the big questions about life and faith. It is an opportunity to explore the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment.
Each week we’ll meet for some food and refreshments, watch a short video together, then spend time with others in a small group discussing what we’ve watched. It’s free of charge, you can ask anything, or nothing!
Support Available
Freedom Groups
Every Thursday – 11am-2pm
We provide one to one support and groups for each stage of the recovery journey while sharing brunch together. Trained support workers can also provide support before, during and after residential rehab.
Freedom Cafe
Every Friday – 7pm
Our Freedom cafe is a welcoming environment for those affected by addiction. Anyone’s welcome to drop in for a coffee and to receive peer support for their recovery journey.
Foodbank & Real Life Changes
Every tuesday & Thursday | 12-2pm
We provide emergency food for those in need and provide signposting and support to help break the cycle of poverty. We also partner with Citizens Advice Bureau to provide access to financial inclusion officers.